We appreciate your interest! The Center for Teaching and Learning Mathematics is committed to helping your teachers maximize their mathematics instruction. Developed and facilitated by a team of leading mathematics experts, our Making Sense Professional Development courses are available for the elementary mathematics teachers in your building. Designed with your needs in mind, our courses will provide your teachers with opportunities to expand their thinking and instructional practice through study and application of practical, research-based strategies. By discovering their own potential as mathematics instructors, teachers will undoubtedly discover the learning potential in their own students.

We support teachers via face-to-face instructional sessions, web-based modules, and classroom coaching. We currently offer a hybrid course that combines online with traditional delivery models. A separate online-only course option is available as well.

To learn more about our professional development courses and how they may be right for your school, please click on the link of interest to you below.

Course List

Course Delivery Options

Course Outcomes

Participant Actions

Course Information Packet (MSMT) 

Course Information Packet (TMSL)

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