
During the 1980s and ‘90s, prior to the establishment of the Center for Teaching and Learning Mathematics, the Mathematics Department at the University of Northern Iowa provided professional development for educators teaching in Department of Defense schools around the world. Then, in the early 2000s, the focus for this professional development shifted toward elementary and middle school educators. The mathematics education department continued this work until 2007 when the CTLM was established. 

The success of the CTLM stands on the shoulders of outstanding University of Northern Iowa mathematics faculty.

Pictured left to right: 

Dr. Glenn Nelson played a significant role in developing the CTLM belief system, which is based upon the assumption that all students and their teachers can be effective mathematicians. 

Dr. Joel Haack served as the Dean of the College of Humanities, Arts, and Sciences at UNI during the formative years of the CTLM. He provided steady leadership to the CTLM through several complex projects which involved a variety of outside partners. 

Dr. Diane Thiessen, while not directly involved with CTLM projects, set a standard of excellence for the geometry content that is found in our video resources.

Dr. Jack Wilkinson laid the groundwork for the CTLM through his dedication to effective mathematics instruction.  He led projects designed to improve the mathematics instruction delivered to students of members in our military. This work was accomplished through the positive relationships he developed with Department of Defense Education Activity personnel.  Jack’s affable nature, his understanding of how to meet the needs of practicing teachers, and his ability to write grants provided a strong foundation from which the CTLM could launch in 2007. His wife, Carole, is pictured next to him.

Dr. Ed Rathmell carried on Jack’s work and envisioned a center where projects serving both Iowa teachers and teachers beyond Iowa’s borders could expand. Ed provided solid leadership for the CTLM in the early days. He navigated both the University systems and outside partners in order to establish the CTLM. Ed also contributed substantially to the mathematics content in the resources that have been developed by the CTLM.  

Dr. John Dossey was the past president of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics. He was a colleague of Jack and actively involved when Jack was also on the NCTM board.

The early years serving teachers of military families’ children

2007 - 2010

The Center for Teaching and Learning Mathematics (CTLM) was established in 2007 at the University of Northern Iowa to coordinate externally-funded mathematics education projects and to provide a vision for mathematics education. 

From 2007-2010, teachers serving military base districts continued to receive the professional development that was started by UNI mathematics faculty. Prior to 2007, this professional development was delivered in Iowa; then from 2007 through 2010, it was delivered in Hawaii, a central location for military bases in the Asia/Pacific region, the United States, and Europe.

From 2007-2012, the CTLM was funded by Student Online Achievement Resources, a federally-funded appropriation from the Department of Defense Education Activity Partnership Directorate to develop videos and related materials for parents focused on mathematics, literacy, early childhood, and autism spectrum. Student Online Achievement Resources was established to support military families as they moved from one base to another during deployments. Over 200 short videos and the accompanying sets of resources were developed. 

Expanding our reach to Iowa teachers

2010 - 2016

In 2010, the CTLM expanded upon the professional development provided to teachers serving military bases through a Title II B Mathematics and Science Partnership (MSP) grant. This grant funded development and delivery of Making Sense of Mathematics and Teaching K-8 to elementary teachers in southwest Iowa. In 2012 and 2013, the CTLM received additional MSP grants to impact more districts in Iowa. Since 2009, nearly 40 districts and 250 educators have received Making Sense of Mathematics and Teaching K-8 courses.

Through the Making Sense of Mathematics and Teaching K-8 program, the need emerged for professional development designed specifically for special education teachers in the area of mathematics. In 2014, the CTLM was awarded a fourth MSP grant to address these needs, resulting in Teaching Mathematics to Struggling Learners, a four-course series for K-8 special education teachers. These courses align diagnostic assessments and specially-designed instruction with research-based instructional strategies to address the needs of students struggling in mathematics. To date, over 130 special educators in Iowa have received Mathematics to Struggling Learners courses. The results of this unique collaboration between mathematics education researchers and special education researchers have been disseminated through conferences and presentations.

Returning to our work with military connected schools and teachers

2016 - present

In 2016, the CTLM returned to serving teachers serving districts near military bases. Through a 2016 Military-Connected Academic Support Program (MCASP) grant, the CTLM was awarded a contract with the Mascoutah School District, Illinois, which serves the children of Scott Air Force Base personnel. Through this contract, K-8 teachers in the district received Making Sense of Mathematics and Teaching K-8 courses, and elementary students participated in summer camps between 2016 and 2020. 

In 2018, a MCASP grant was written to support O’Fallon District #90 teachers, another district serving Scott Air Force Base. The CTLM was contracted to provide Making Sense of Mathematics and Teaching K-8 professional development from 2019-2023.

In 2020, a MCASP grant was awarded to O’Fallon Central #104 district, also serving Scott Air Force Base, and the district contracted with the CTLM to deliver four Making Sense of Mathematics and Teaching K-8 courses to K-8 teachers.  

Also in 2020, a MCASP grant was awarded to Mascoutah School District, and the district contracted with the CTLM to develop and deliver Making Sense of Mathematics and Teaching 9-12 courses for high school teachers.  The CTLM was also contracted to deliver the Teaching Mathematics to Struggling Learners course series to special education teachers.  A summer camp program was developed by the CTLM through this contract, and Mascoutah teachers were trained to deliver the camp.

In 2024, O’Fallon Central #104 received a grant and contracted with the CTLM to develop and deliver two K-8 literacy courses, and to support paraprofessionals as they complete coursework that will lead to a teaching degree.

Since 2016, in districts serving Scott Air Force Base, over 140 educators have received professional development through the CTLM, and over 600 students have participated in summer camps.