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Making Sense of Mathematics and Teaching

A professional development program designed to deepen elementary teachers’ understanding of mathematical concepts and to support their implementation of research-based teaching strategies. Making Sense of Mathematics and Teaching is aligned with The Iowa Core Curriculum and Every Student Counts and also provides leadership training to principals to ensure support of teachers as they work to improve mathematics instruction in their classrooms. 

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Extending Efforts

Practicing elementary teachers from Iowa schools, including three whole buildings, are in several cohorts working their way through the Making Sense Professional Development courses. We support the teachers via face-to-face instructional sessions, web-based modules, and classroom mentoring.  


SOAR Student Online Achievement Resources

Making Sense Online seeks to empower parents to engage in their children’s learning.  We provide research-based resources (videos, activities, links, and references) that support military parents (and all parents) as they help their children make sense of mathematics and literacy. These resources empower parents with:

Strategies to optimize time spent helping children outside the classroom
Confidence to have conversations about mathematics and literacy
Ideas to stimulate conversations and to connect concepts to life skills
Opportunities to have positive effect on student achievement