Building Your Confidence
Teaching Mathematics to Struggling Learners: Building Your Confidence is the foundational course focused on the theory of best practice for struggling learners, understanding of the Iowa Multi-Tiered Support System (MTSS) and implementation of one Do the Math unit.
TMSL: Building Your Confidence Course Goals
Participants will:
- Understand research-based strategies and best practices for struggling learners in mathematics
- Understand ideal and current reality of Multi-Tiered Support Systems (MTSS) in the district of their cohort
- Analyze and experience one Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) resource (Do the Math)
- Understand what is available and ready to use within Do the Math as well as what it is lacking in terms of curriculum, instruction, and assessment
- Experience one SDI resource: Understand how to use Do The Math curriculum in their own classrooms
- Analyze and experience diagnostic assessment
- Understand how to use Michael Battista’s Cognition-Based Assessment as a diagnostic assessment
- Understand how to use embedded formative assessment (Do the Math Show What You Know) to guide instruction and make students aware of their own learning
- Understand and change verbal interactions with children to encourage persistence and effort rather than praise, using Carol Dweck’s work with Growth Mindset