Professional Development

The Center for Teaching and Learning Mathematics at the University of Northern Iowa offers graduate-level courses specifically designed for practicing mathematics educators. 

Making Sense of Mathematics and Teaching K-8 is a series of eight courses designed to deepen elementary and middle school mathematics teachers’ understanding of mathematical and pedagogical concepts and to support their implementation of research-based teaching strategies. Completion of all eight courses in the Making Sense of Mathematics and Teaching series can lead to an Iowa K-8 Math endorsement.

Making Sense of Mathematics and Teaching 9-12 is a series of four courses designed to deepen high school mathematics teachers’ understanding of mathematical and pedagogical concepts and to support their implementation of research-based teaching strategies. 

Teaching Mathematics to Struggling Learners is a series of four courses focused on assessment methods and research-based interventions. This series builds general and special education teachers’ mathematics content knowledge and pedagogical skills, and provides the tools needed to support struggling learners. 

Course Offerings

Teaching Mathematics to Struggling Learners