Dr. Vicki Oleson

  • Director

    Dr. Vicki Oleson is the Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning Mathematics. Vicki also serves as the Project Director of Student Online Achievement Resources (SOAR), and is the Principal Investigator of Making Sense Professional Development courses. In addition to her leadership responsibilities, Vicki spends a great deal of time connecting the talented people at the University of Northern Iowa and Cedar Valley with projects that help people learn. She provides leadership for the design of projects that deliver quality learning experiences.

    From 1990 through 2004, Vicki taught elementary math and science. Vicki also taught mathematics education courses at UNI, and collaborated in a variety of teaching, presenting, and publishing capacities with fellow colleagues. In addition, Vicki facilitated summer school courses in Romania and also taught a variety of enrichment programs.

    Vicki earned her Doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction at UNI, as well as her MA in Curriculum and Instruction and BA in Elementary Education.